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Afforestation – our locations

You finally want to snack with a clear conscience? We got you covered! Every product purchased invests in reforestation with our longtime reforestation partner Eden Projects and actively gives back to the planet. In close cooperation, we have already planted 10 million trees together. 🎉 But where exactly are the newly emerging forests actually located? In this blog article we will introduce you to our locations in more detail:

nucao und Eden Projects Partnerschaft
nucao und Eden Projects Partnerschaft

Afforestation against climate change

Why do we plant trees? In short: they bind greenhouse gases, mitigate the consequences of natural disasters, preserve biodiversity and promote local social development.

We regularly support Eden Projects with a fixed amount of our sales and thus support the planting, care and guarding of the trees.

We regularly receive detailed reporting from Eden Project. Using this, we can use GPS coordinates and images to track exactly where the trees were planted and how they help nature and the population. This is how we regularly see the progress that our support brings with it.

Our donations are divided between three designated locations: Nepal, Madagascar and Mozambique. The emotional impressions on site motivate us every time to stick to our mission. That's why we don't want to withhold them from you:

Nepal - Hindi

Our second reforestation project is Hindi Village in Nepal, which borders China and Tibet. The Hindi region has suffered from local deforestation for a very long time. This has both minimized access to vital resources and greatly increased the risk of landslides. Therefore, the restoration of the mountain slopes in particular is an essential step in restoring this region.

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. The population needs the large amounts of wood primarily for charcoal production. With the reforestation project in Hindi, we not only support the planting of trees, but also the transfer of knowledge to the population. For example, she learns how to use the wood sustainably in order to conserve resources and consequently cut down less forest.

Native tree species are also planted in Nepal, including Indian rosewood, tanner's acacia, horseradish trees and Asian kapok trees.


In Madagascar, our donations are used to reforest mangrove forests along the coasts. Due to the charcoal production and the collection of wood on site, the mangrove forests were cut down and destroyed on a large scale. The locals have no other choice, because they need it for everyday cooking and building, among other things.

This is exactly where our financial support and cooperation with Eden Projects comes into play: the reforestation also supports the local population. This helps with planting, caring for and protecting the trees and receives fair payment for this.

The choice of trees planted are mangroves. More specifically, primary mangrove species such as Rhizophora mucronata (Rhizophora), Bruguiera gumnooshiza, Ceriops tagel and Avicennia marina. They are essential for the regeneration of the forest, protect the coasts from erosion and provide habitat for many animals. The enormous importance of reforestation becomes particularly clear here, because the entire ecosystem benefits from this project.